She says the way the bill was passed bodes ill for democracy 她说,从该法案被通过的情形来看,民主的前景惨淡。
Even the way you bill a customer matters. 就连你给顾客开账单的方式都很重要。
Suddenly, I was back at that general store where I had learned the hard way to tally up my bill along with the cashier. 这时候,我突然想起那时在蜜蜂小姐杂货店的情景:我吃力地核对着收款机里的数目。
I really wish I could find a way to help my brother Bill, he lost his job over a year ago when the company he worked for went bankrupt. he's been out on the street ever since. 一年多以前,他工作的那个公司破产了,他也就失了业。自那时起,他一直生活很艰苦。
One day on his way to school Bill passed a fruit store. 有一天,在上学路上,比尔经过一家水果店。
By the way, have you met Bill before? 顺便问一下,你以前见过比尔吗?
I was on my way back from collecting a bill. 我收完帐正走在回家的路上。
The only way I can settle the gas bill is to rob Peter to pay Paul and use the money I've put by for the electricity. 我能用来对付煤气费帐单的唯一办法是先拿出准备付电缆的钱来垫一下。
No way am I going to vote for a bill to raise income tax again. 我绝对不会对再次提高个人所得税投赞成票的。
Immigrants who did not buy their legitimacy would be subject to arrest and deportation, in the same way as the Senate bill would treat those immigrants who have been here less than two years. 那些未赎买自己合法地位的移民则将被逮捕并递解出境,这与参议院法案对那些在此居住未满两年的徙入者所定的待遇相同。
Jane: Maybe it seems that way to you, Bill, but really I'm just busy. 阿珍∶比尔,也许在你看来是那样,但说实在的,我只是很忙。
All I know is that no one understands me better and no one can make me laugh the way Bill does. 我只知道,再没有人比他更了解我,没有人能像他那样让我欢笑。
Is figure out a way to get slave-driving bill to give you the day off. 就是想办法让比尔放你一天假了。
I really wish I could find a way to help my brother Bill. 我真希望能想个办法来帮帮弟弟比尔的忙。
Yes, that is a gradual process, and even a steep rise in government bond yields could take several years to work its way into a significantly higher interest-rate bill. 确实,这是一个渐进的过程,即便是政府债券收益率大幅上升,可能也需要数年时间,才能逐渐转化为票据利率的大幅上升。
How much of this agenda has found its way into the Dodd-Frank bill? 这一议程有多少被收入了多德-弗兰克法案?
Either way, taxpayers would foot the bill. 无论哪一种方式,纳税人都将为此买单。
In the United States, there are many outstanding young people, who realize their dreams through such kind of way, such as Bill Gates, etc. 在美国,有许多优秀的青年,都是通过这种方式实现自己的梦想的。例如比尔盖茨等。
Please send to the following items to be shipped by way express, and bill us. 请将下列各项商品交由铁路以快运方式发运给我们并列帐单。
Tax-efficient: Investing or operating a business in a way that results in a lower tax bill. 节税:指投资或经营时采用能减少税额的办法。
Innovation in the sector around fundamentals such as the way in which lawyers bill their clients has been stagnant. 该行业围绕基本运作方式(例如律师向客户收费的方式)的创新已停滞不前。
It is important to adopt one particular sequence because in that way the writer of the bill can be sure that he has forgotten nothing. a sequence commonly adopted is given below. 只有通过这种方式,清单编制者才能确保无所遗漏。下面给出通常采用的顺序。
Adopting the Way of Pricing Through Bill of Quantity in Construction Project Imperative 建设工程中采用工程量清单计价方法势在必行
Look at the way Bill is looking at Sally, I think he's about to go off the deep end. 瞧比尔看着萨莉那般模样!我猜他迷上她了。
Even in America, tariffs against China are still, with luck, a long way off-both because the currency bill is milder than it sounds and because it has yet to be passed by the Senate or signed by Barack Obama. 即使对美国而言,针对中国进口的货物锁征收的关税尚未成形,因为先前通过的汇率法案在实行起来比它听起来的要宽松的多,而且该法案还未经参议院通过,更未由奥巴马签署。
Circulation is the life of bill, endorsement is a major way of bill circulation. 流通是票据的生命,背书是票据流通的主要方式。我国票据法律法规对票据背书进行了较为具体和详细的规定,但也存在一定的问题。
The Systems of the Way Bill and the Bill of Lading Used in Waterborne Freight Transport 水路货物运输运单制、提单制应用之探讨
The way of standardizing bill market is to reform the macro and micro financial system both inside and outside of the market. 规范发展票据市场的路径选择,在于革新票据市场内外的宏观和微观金融制度。
Based on the analysis of three typical examples, combined with the actual case, we can conclude that the new bill drafting way can not substitute the way of bill drafting by government department. 论文通过对三个代表性例子的分析,结合实际得出,在现阶段,新兴的法案起草方式并不能取代部门起草法案方式。
Whether the way of drafting the bill is appropriate, is directly related to the quality of the bill. 法案起草方式适当与否直接关系到法案质量的高低。